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EGM, with ENEL X for energy efficiency

A manufacturing industry is sustainable when it is able to reduce its own environmental impact. When it does so by reducing consumption, the goal is direct. And when it reduces energy consumption in a company that is highly dependent on energy - such as the metal industry - then we are at the heart of sustainability. That’s why EGM has invested to increase energy efficiency. Thanks to the support of ENEL X, it has intervened in the modernisation of the compressed air production and distribution systems, also implementing a remote control, monitoring and energy management system as well as a complete redesign of the factory lighting. The energy consumption of the compressors has been reduced by about 30% and that of the lighting system by 60%, achieving a saving equivalent to the consumption of about 1,000 families of four people in a whole year. This means not only being more competitive, but also working actively towards sustainable development.